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 Anyone watch Captain America (1990)?

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Join date : 2024-05-24
Location : Mojave County, Western Corporate States

Anyone watch Captain America (1990)? Empty
PostSubject: Anyone watch Captain America (1990)?   Anyone watch Captain America (1990)? EmptyTue May 28, 2024 12:31 am

It really sucks but I think it's funny. What other Marvel films do u think are in the same vein of badness? (If anyone says Blade u will be put on my foes list..)
Anyone watch Captain America (1990)? Captain-american-movie-1990
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Join date : 2024-05-22
Age : 1
Location : Soveriegn Nation of Wisconsin

Anyone watch Captain America (1990)? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Anyone watch Captain America (1990)?   Anyone watch Captain America (1990)? EmptyThu May 30, 2024 5:17 am

Captain Britain (2034) its a disgraceful movie that shits in the face of all the die hard Captain Britain fans. Everytime Commandant Shanghai was on screen it made me roll my eyes! Its a bullshit character that came out of nowhere like the bitch harley quinn. Its a disgrace to anyone who would call themselves a brit or a wisconsinite. Also Captain Britain wins against Captain America any day. Captain America more like Captain not all there because America is fractured... Can u say the same about Britain? No, Britain stands strong under chinese control and even have one extra sovereign nation other than Britain. The Great Nation of Wisconsin! I would die for my country any day.
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Anyone watch Captain America (1990)?
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